Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Passing time in Rundu

Florence - we went swimming in a very cold pool. We jumped in so daddy could take a photo of us. I did a pencil jump. I had to do school work today and watched Shrek in the afternoon on mummy's computer because it was too hot - 40 C in the shade!


  1. Wow ! You are all growing SO much! STOP! -otherwise I won't recognise you when you're back!!!!
    It's lovely to read all your stories and see what you're getting up to!
    I miss you all very much!
    Say hello to the hippos and elephants for me!
    Lots of hugs and kisses to my McconnabobJobs!!!
    X X X

  2. Hi Flo Thomas Nia Tilly

    You all look like your having such a lovely time in Africa.

    Are there any things that you miss about england ?

    We will be going to school soon.

    Do you like doing school work at your camp or at school?

    from Tess
